Organizing entity: Czech association of rogaining and mountain orienteering (ČAR)
Organizer: Krušnohorský rogainingový klub Litvínov
Date: 29th – 30th June 2019
Event site: České středohoří (Bohemian Central Mountains) – Eastern part, Ústí nad Labem district, Czech Republic
Event Centre: Babiny II, Ecofarm Babiny, N 50° 38.485, E 14° 10.700,
Event type:
- Czech Championships in 24-hour rogaining (Saturday 12:00 – Sunday 12:00), prequalification race for World Championship in rogaining in 2020 and 3rd race of the Czech regaining asssociation series 2019.
- Public12-hour race (Saturday 10:00 – 22:00)
- Public 6-hour race (Saturday 14:00 – 20:00)
Winning teams in Open categories gain a certificate for free start at the 3rd event of the series, the Czech Rogaining Champs 2019 (team has to compete at the same team composition).
Event area: Eastern part of Bohemian Central Mountains. Area of the race is defined by the river Labe in the west, by villages Těchlovice and Valkeřice in the north, by villages Verneřice and Liběšice in the east, and by the road No. 15 in the south..
Terrain: Verneřice středohoří, altitude 130-726 m. Densely populated area with dense network of roads and trails. Landscape is extensively used for agriculture, there are large pastures.
Map: Special map for rogaining, scale 1: 40 000, e = 10 m, condition 06/2019, waterproof (Tyvek).
Punch system: Electronic (SportIdent), each team member must have their own SI chip!
For 12 and 24-hour races we recommend only SI-chips with increased capacity. If you sign up with a lower capacity chip (30 checks for SI 5 and SI 8 or 50 control SI 9), we will not count any checks beyond those recorded in the chip. You can borrow high-capacity chips at the price of CZK 100 from the organizers. Mind that we only accept orders via our electronic registration system. Your chip will be ready at the presentation.
- 24-hour Czech Rogaining Championships (MY, WY, XY, MO, WO, XO, MV, WV, XV, MSV, WSV, XSV).
Winning teams (Nebo taky winners of open categories) in the open categories receive a certificate entitling them to a free entry at the last race of the series which is the Czech Championships in Mountain Orienteering in November 2019 (the team members must remain unchanged).
We are also going to award the best first-timers in open categories MO, WO, XO. (First-timers means that neither of the team members had previously competed in regaining or other ČAR events, such as Brutus Extreme Orienteering, Sudetské Tojnárkovo bloudění or Czech Championship in Mountain Orienteering). - Public 12-hour race (MO12, WO12, XO12)
- Public 6-hour race (MO6, WO6, X6)
Specification of abbreviations:
M – men only,
W – women only,
X – the team has at least one male and at least one female member.
Y – Youth category – all team members must be 23 years old or younger on the start day, i.e. born on June 29, 1996 or later
O – Open category – no age limitation
V – Veterans category – All team members must be 40 years of age or older, i.e. born on 29 June 1979 or earlier
SV – Super Veterans – All team members must be 55 years of age or older, i.e. born 29 June 1964 or earlier
The team consists of 2-5 competitors. All team members must complete the race together.
Terms of Participation: All competitors will sign a declaration at the registration desk that they start at their own risk. For participants under the age of 18, this statement will be signed by their parent or legal guardian. Download the appropriate form: consent_18Download
Entries and entry fees: Via
24hrs and 12hrs race:
Application and payment no later than Sunday 09 June – 600 CZK per team member
Application and payment by Friday 14 June – 700 CZK per team member
Application and payment at a later date – 800 CZK per team member
Entry fee includes racing maps, parking and accommodation in tents at the center of the race (Friday to Sunday), social facilities, and refreshments in the event centre during the race (hash house) and lunch after the race.
In case of interest, it is possible to buy accommodation in the tent for non-competitors for 80 CZK / night and tent. Please pay at the registration desk.
6-hour race:
Application and payment no later than Sunday 09 June – 300 CZK per team member
Application and payment by Friday 14 June – 400 CZK per team member
Application and payment at a later date – CZK 500 per team member
Entry fee includes maps, parking, lavatories, and refreshment after the race.
The hostingecofarm Babiny will provide catering for all competitors and visitors at the event centre throughout the whole weekend..
There is also a restaurant in a village called Homole u Panny, about 2.5 km away from the event centre.
Food / Price / Availability
Beef soup / 25 CZK / Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Beef goulash with bread / 65 CZK / Friday, Saturday
Beef Znojmo with rice / 80 CZK / Friday, Saturday
Breakfast buffet / 60 CZK / Saturday, Sunday
Please order your meals in advance via the online registration system:
T-shirt for a good thing:
Through the registration system you can order a functional T-shirt specially made for our race and along with that you can support the Foundation Leontinka that supports visually impaired people. T-shirt costs 390 CZK. The last date for the order is 17th May.
Ladies: S, M, L (T-shirts are a bit smaller then regular sizes)
Men’s: M, L, XL (T-shirts are a bit smaller then regular sizes)
Payment: Entry fees, meals, t-shirts, and/or SI chip rental please pay to the bank account of Krušnohorský rogainingový klub Litvínov. Bank address: Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1
IBAN: CZ8620100000002800039826
Transport: We strongly recommend individual car transport.
Parking: In the designated area at the event centre.
Accommodation:24-hour runners are entitled to free accommodation in their own tents in the designated area at the event centre. Other people who are interested in overnight stays will pay a fee of CZK 80 / tent and night at the registration desk, or they can use accommodation in neighbouring villages.
Event schedule for 24-hour race:
Friday 28th June 2019
18:00 – 23:00 – Registration at the event centre
Saturday 29th June 2019
7:00 – 9:00 – Registration at the event centre (including sealing of SI chips)
9:00 – 9:30 – Finishing of SI chip sealing
10:00 – Handout of maps
12:00 – Start of the race
17:00 – Hash House in the event centre opens
Sunday 30th June 2019
12:00 – end of the race
13:00 – Hash House closes
after 14:00 – prize giving ceremony
Event schedule for 12-hour race:
Friday 28th June 2019
18:00 – 23:00 – Registration at the event centre
Saturday 29th June 2019
6:30 – 7:00 – Registration at the event centre (including sealing of SI chips)
7:00 – 7:30 – Finishing of SI chip sealing
8:00 – Handout of maps
10:00 – Start of the race
17:00 – Hash House in the event centre opens
22:00 – end of the race
Sunday 30. 6. 2019
9:00 –prize giving ceremony (exact time can be adjusted)
Event schedule for 6-hour race:
Friday 28th June2019
18:00 – 23:00 – Registration at the event centre
Saturday 29th June 2019
10:00 – 12:00 – Registration at the event centre (including sealing of chips)
13:00 – Handout of maps
14:00 – Start of the race
20:00 – end of the race
after 21:00 – prize giving ceremony (exact time can be adjusted)
Competitors are allowed to use restaurants and pubs in the race area.
Compulsory equipment for each competitor:
SI chip
Taking part in the rogaining event is at the own risk of each competitor. All participants have to sign an indemnity form at the registration desk.
As soon as maps and control points description are handed out you are not allowed to consult any other map except for the next stage map issued by event organizers.
The organizer doesn’t hold responsibility and/or liability for any damage caused by any participant of the race.