Czech Rogaining Association (CAR)
Organizing club:
Krušnohorský rogainingový klub Litvínov
29th – 30th June 2019
Event centre:
Babiny II, Ecofarm Babiny, N 50° 38.485, E 14° 10.700,

Event type and categories:
Czech 24HR Rogaining Championships:
Categories: MY, XY, WY; MO, XO, WO; MV, XV, WV; MSV, XSV, WSV
Public 12HR rogaining event:
Categories: MO12, XO12, WO12
Public 12HR rogaining event:
Categories: MO6, XO6, WO6
Terms of attendance:
All rogainers need to ratify that they take part in the event at their own risk. Rogainers under 18 years of age have to present with their parents´ written approval.
Rogainers who are younger than 15 years of age can apply for an exception that will be assessed by the board of the Association. They also have to present with written approval of their parents.
Event area and terrain features:
The eastern part of the Bohemian Central Mountains, the area of the race is defined in the west by the river Labe, in the north by the villages Těchlovice and Valkeřice, in the east by Verneřice and Liběšice, in the south by the road No. 15.
A densely populated area with a dense network of roads and trails, altitude 130-726 m. The landscape is extensively used for agriculture, and there are large pastures.
Map and special map symbols:
Special map for rogaining, scale 1: 40 000, e = 10 m, condition 06/2019, waterproof (Tyvek). Size 400 × 320 mm.
Special map symbols:

Control descriptions:
Control descriptions, including their point value, will be printed both in Czech and English and handed out together with the maps.
Transport and parking:
- Using your own transport, please park your cars according to instructions of organizers at parking places P1, P2 a P3
- There is a bus service from Usti nad Labem to Suletice (0.6 km far from the event centre), arriving on Friday at 17:23 and 19:23; leaving on Sunday at 15:22. Or another bus service from Usti nad Labem to Homole u Panny (1.6 km far from the event centre), arriving on Friday at 18:13; leaving on Sunday at 13:32
Registration desk:
Registration desk will be placed at a log cabin at the Ecofarm Babiny. It will be open according to the timetable. Please find your team ID before entering the registration desk, it will ease the process.
Event office:

Mind that all team members have to come to the registration desk in person. We need each participant to sign indemnity form. There will be a check of SI chip number as well, bring your chips there.
Competitors for 12 and 24 hours can stay overnight in their tents at the event centre. Competitors for six-hour, and persons accompanying rogainers will pay fee for overnight stay of 50 CZK / night. Please pay at the registration desk.
The Ecofarm Babiny will provide catering for the whole weekend. There will be both soft drinks and alcoholic baverages and meals available in the log cabin. The menu will be as follows:
Meal | Cost | Availability |
Beef Soup | 25 CZK | Limited * |
Beef Goulash | 65 CZK | Limited * |
Beef Stew with Rice | 80 CZK | Limited * |
Breakfast Sat/Sun | 60 CZK | Orders one day ahead possible * |
Beef Tripe Soup | 35 CZK | Limited |
Grilled Beef Sausage | 45 CZK | Limited |
* … Competitor who has ordered their meals ahead of the event can be sure that they will have them. They will receive meal vouchers with specification of date and meal type. Meals will be distributed via window at the Hash House. Please note that competitors for 24- and 12-hrs will be provided with Goulash when they finish their event.
Timetable of the event:
24 hour race – timetable:
Friday 28th June 2019
- 18:00 – 23:00 – registration of competitors
Saturday 29th June 2019
- 7:00 – 9:00 – registration of competitors (incl. SI card sealing)
- 9:00 – 9:30 – SI card sealing
- 10:00 – handout of maps
- 12:00 – start of the event
- 17:00 – Hash house opens at the event. centre (refreshments)
Sunday 30th June 2019
- 12:00 – finish of the event
- 13:00 – Hash house closes
- after 14:00 – prize giving ceremony
12 hour race – timetable
Friday 28th June 2019
- 18:00 – 23:00 – registration of competitors
Saturday 29th June 2019
- 6:30 – 7:00 – registration of competitors (incl. SI card sealing)
- 7:00 – 7:30 – SI card sealing
- 8:00 – handout of maps
- 10:00 – start of the event
- 17:00 – Hash house opens at the event. centre (refreshments)
- 22:00 – finish of the event
Sunday 30th June 2019
- 9:00 – prize giving ceremony
6 hour race – timetable
Friday 28th June 2019
- 18:00 – 23:00 – registration of competitors
Saturday 29th June 2019
- 10:00 – 12:00 – registration of competitors (incl. SI card sealing)
- 13:00 – handout of maps
- 14:00 – start of the event
- 20:00 – finish of the event
- after 21:00 – prize giving ceremony
Mass start according to the timetable in the area next to the event centre.
Competitors must to clear and check their SI cards using the Clear and Check SI units before start. Organizers will assist if necessary.
Timer and control punching system:
Electronic system SportIdent will be used at this event.
Each member of each team must have their SI card sealed to their wrist.
For 12 and 24 hours events we recommend using only SI cards with large capacity. If you run with SI card with lower capacity (30 controls on SI5 and SI8, or 50 controls on SI 9), we only count the controls recorded on the card.
SI cards that were preordered will be ready for you in team envelopes at the registration desk. We will charge 2000 CZK for each lost SI card.
The racing area offers variety of terrains. Some slopes are so steep that you can slip on them even in dry weather. Very often you get into stone fields or rubble, so please walk carefully. There are many rock cliffs in the map. Be very careful at all rock controls, but especially at controls 54, 58, 65, 67, 88 a 90, especially at night. At control point number 87, do not approach the edge of the waterfall – it will be marked with a warning tape. The bridge on the CP 62 is ruined, mind your step!
While approaching control point number 95 please be careful – there are iron rods sticking out of clumsily made staircase.
Please be very careful while crossing roads. Be also very careful when crossing the local railroad. There are 8 trains a day there, so be aware of them.
Out of bounds areas & not recommended areas
In the southern part of the map at control point 75 there is a shooting range, marked with hatches in the map and an arrow in the direction of shooting. It is fenced only from the southern side, but make sure to run around it.
Similar hatching also includes orchards, gardens, bull and horse runs. Some aren’t fenced, but an angry owner can make them a shooting range. You should also avoid green-orange areas of private land.
First aid:
you have some less serious troubles, please contact the organizer: +420 739 548 142
In case of serious injury call emergency line 112 (and also let organizers know).
Hash house:
24 and 12 HR categories can use the hash house,
opened from Saturday 17:00 to Sunday 13:00. In order to minimize amount of
garbage, please use your own dish (bowls, trays, spoons etc.)
Control points and finish:
Control points will be marked with regular orienteering white-orange control flags 30×30 cm and with SI unit and code of the control point. When punching please wait for acustic and visual signal of the SI unit. If teh SI unit does not work please write down numeric code that is written on red and white ribbon at the control point.
Finish line will be at the centre event. While finishing each team member has to punch the SI unit at the finish and have their SI cards read out at the registration desk. Even in case you give your race up you must come to the finish and let organizers know, so that we don´t need to alarm the Police.
Event evaluation:
Control points will have numeric code – both on the map and in the control descriptions. When you multiply the first digit of the code by ten, you´ll get the point value of that particular control point (minimum 30, maximum 90 points). It is up to you how many control points and in which order you visit.
Final ranking of teams will depend on the total score achieved. When the points are equal, the lower target time decides. If the time limit is exceeded, 20 points will be deducted for each minute of delay. If the time limit is exceeded by 30 minutes or more, the team will not be evaluated.
Prize giving ceremony:
Three best teams from each category will be awarded.
Within categories MO, XO and WO first-timers will also be awarded.
We will also award the eldest rogainer of the Championships.
Compulsory equipment:
Event director: Tomáš Švihla
Main referee: Jan Tojnar
Course setters: Tomáš Švihla a Jan Tojnar
Event web site:
All team members have to remain together throughout the whole event. In case one member of the team gives the race up, all other team members must come back to the finish and end the race together.
Each competitor takes part in this event at his/her own risk and is responsible for his/her own safety. Organizers do not hold responsibility for any damage caused by competitors.